Friday, January 23, 2009

laptop? lap- HOT

Amazing, right?! It would only be too easy for me to drop 220 Euros on that amazing piece. My thoughtful friend Matt directed me to Rainier Spehl's website, where they not only design this sexy laptop case but they have amazing installations and interiors like the one below!

Thanks Matty for the highlight of my day!


Anonymous said...

Hey there! I just found your blog and I'm LOVING it! I should be working, but I'm just glued to the screen taking it all in. I hope you're doing well in the new year (although I heard about your ankle mishap). So fun to find you on here...have a great week!

Love, Kyla

Bethany said...

thanks Kyla! It's great to hear from you and I'm glad you're enjoying my silly little blog. :)