new love #1: Rugby
Currently the Six Nations Rugby Tournament is going on all over Europe i couldn't help but not get into it. As an American, where rugby is such a foreign sport, i knew very little about it. I didn't even know that after the man with the ball was tackled, the game keeps going and they basically rip and tug and pull at each other until the ball's free. It's good fun seeing those boys get all dirty and bloody- no padding mind you! That's a true sport! I don't know what American football fans think they're watching - a bunch a big guys with PADDING running 5 yards then falling, 5 more yards then falling, then maybe 15 more. So what the Six Nations is all about is Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, England, and Wales will play each other twice, once at home and once away. This last weekend I sat at the pub with my friend Becs, my Rugby guru, for about 5 hours watching England v. Wales and Scotland v. Italy. Scotland WON!! :) In order to keep our seat in a crowded pub we had keep ordering drinks and food so we had a 3 course meal with dessert and drinks! It was good fun!
new love #2: grocery shopping:
I have my cool, eco-friendly, canvas bag that I fill up with my fruits and veg, yogurt, porridge oats and muesli and other nibbly bits and it never cost more than like 10 pounds or so. Such a good deal for organic! I also have loved shopping every few days or so. I'm buying fresher foods and alot more fruit and veg. I think I'm eating alot better since I've lived in Glasgow - besides the endless coffee and occasional, not nearly as many as before, cakes and pastries from work. hehe. ;)