I'd like to introduce you to someone special...
my godson, Everett James Kavulla!!! Born on March 15, Ev is the most precious, content and sweetest baby you've ever seen. His two older sisters godmother's just so happen to be my older sister and my best friend so I'm in excellent godmother company! It's such an honor and I can't wait to watch him grow up and have a special relationship with him and spoil him, like only a godmother can!
9 months ago must have been one hot July night because I just received more baby news! On the same day Ev was born, my friend Eric's wife had her baby! Congrats to Katie, Eric and little baby Luke! I think it's safe to say that the spring baby boom has begun because many more of my friends will start popping out their little ones over the next month! I can't wait to meet each and every one of them!
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